Query API

WordPress Playground exposes a simple API that you can use to configure the Playground in the browser.

It works by passing configuration options as query parameters to the Playground URL. For example, to install the pendant theme, you would use the following URL:


You can go ahead and try it out. The Playground will automatically install the theme and log you in as an admin. You may even embed this URL in your website using an <iframe> tag:

<iframe src="https://playground.wordpress.net/?theme=pendant"></iframe>

Available options

Option Default Value Description
php 8.0 Loads the specified PHP version. Supported values: 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, latest
wp latest Loads the specified WordPress version. Supported values: The last three major WordPress versions. As of April 4, 2024, that’s 6.3, 6.4, 6.5. You can also use these values: latest, nightly, beta
blueprint-url The URL of the Blueprint that will be used to configure this Playground instance.
php-extension-bundle Loads a bundle of PHP extensions. Supported bundles: kitchen-sink (for finfo, gd, mbstring, iconv, openssl, libxml, xml, dom, simplexml, xmlreader, xmlwriter), light (saves 6MB of downloads, loads none of the above extensions)
networking yes or no Enables or disables the networking support for Playground. Defaults to no
plugin Installs the specified plugin. Use the plugin name from the plugins directory URL, e.g. for a URL like https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-lazy-loading/, the plugin name would be wp-lazy-loading. You can pre-install multiple plugins by saying plugin=coblocks&plugin=wp-lazy-loading&โ€ฆ. Installing a plugin automatically logs the user in as an admin
theme Installs the specified theme. Use the theme name from the themes directory URL, e.g. for a URL like https://wordpress.org/themes/disco/, the theme name would be disco. Installing a theme automatically logs the user in as an admin
url /wp-admin/ Load the specified initial page displaying WordPress
mode seamless, browser, or browser-full-screen Displays WordPress on a full-page or wraps it in a browser UI
lazy Defer loading the Playground assets until someone clicks on the “Run” button
login yes Logs the user in as an admin. Set to no to not log in.
multisite no Enables the WordPress multisite mode.
storage Selects the storage for Playground: none gets erased on page refresh, browser is stored in the browser, and device is stored in the selected directory on a device. The last two protect the user from accidentally losing their work upon page refresh.
import-site Imports site files and database from a zip file specified by URL.
import-wxr Imports site content from a WXR file specified by URL. It uses the WordPress Importer, so the default admin user must be logged in.

For example, the following code embeds a Playground with a preinstalled Gutenberg plugin, and opens the post editor:

<iframe src="https://playground.wordpress.net/?plugin=gutenberg&url=/wp-admin/post-new.php&mode=seamless"> </iframe>

:::info CORS policy

To import files from a URL, such as a site zip package, they must be served with Access-Control-Allow-Origin header set. For reference, see: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).


GitHub Export Options

The following additional query parameters may be used to pre-configure the GitHub export form:

  • gh-ensure-auth: If set to yes, Playground will display a modal to ensure the
    user is authenticated with GitHub before proceeding.
  • ghexport-repo-url: The URL of the GitHub repository to export to.
  • ghexport-pr-action: The action to take when exporting (create or update).
  • ghexport-playground-root: The root directory in the Playground to export from.
  • ghexport-repo-root: The root directory in the repository to export to.
  • ghexport-content-type: The content type of the export (plugin, theme, wp-content, custom-paths).
  • ghexport-plugin: Plugin path. When the content type is plugin, pre-select the plugin to export.
  • ghexport-theme: Theme directory name. When the content type is theme, pre-select the theme to export.
  • ghexport-path: A path relative to ghexport-playground-root. Can be provided multiple times. When the
    content type is custom-paths, it pre-populates the list of paths to export.
  • ghexport-commit-message: The commit message to use when exporting.
  • ghexport-allow-include-zip: Whether to offer an option to include a zip file in the GitHub
    export (yes, no). Optional. Defaults to yes.